Thursday, October 28, 2010


In March of 2010 I met with an advisor at Hickey Business College. I was eager to go back to school but there was one dilemma; my student loans where all in default so I couldn't get any financial assistance. Luckily for me FMS(a collection agency with the dept of education) called with a solution that would put me out on my ass... They calculated what I made, the necessary money needed to pay the basics (rent and food) and said give s the rest for the next 9 months either this or we start taking the money from your checks and tax return.  o_O  The advisor then said "why wait until next year to go??? you came in on your own bc you were ready you don't strike me as a person that puts off what he wants."

The advisor was right, so I talked to me significant other at the time, and to my mother who had been univitedly staying with me for the past four months with her boyfriend, and it seemed like every one was on board for me to have a better future.  Once the commitment began the on board passengers quickly derailed and jumped to sea lol but that was okay I was determined, I had God, and I had my dog.

So I gave up my apartment, and my job, so that i could go to school full time, I moved in the direction that I felt God had created for me and I prayed a lot lol.  My mother and I stopped talking bc she felt i was being selfish by giving up everything to o back to school, and my friend that i was dating wasn't heading anywhere in life. (interjection: doesn't make the person a bad person but how many times can you make an excuse to not go to school and better yourself b4 you realize that the only person keeping you from a better future is you)

the date is now Oct. 18 and I have only 2 more payments to make to the dept of education before I am down and my loan becomes deferred. I have complete my first quarter of seven at school finishing that up with a 4.0 in graphic design, and may payments jumped from 1901 a month plus the 409 for dept of education to 337 a month plus 409. Now that is still a lot and I don't know where its coming from, but God didn't bring me this far for me to give up. This is progress and patience and determination... with the help of Yuvanca Russ and Lawrence Lewis... and my Dog... I am happily struggling lol  and that's farreal

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