Tuesday, September 18, 2012

We spend our entire life searching for a love that will last forever, a soul mate, the one... The love of my life found me and returned the love I had for them so strong. Our relationship lasted for only five years, and the ending of us stole my breath away.

I know you will find this and read it a few times. I can never say enough hoe much I love you. The words don't amount to the feelings. And even when our end was stealing my life, you gave me joy and laughter to combat the tears that would come... So I say thank you (Estelle voice lol)

I guess I'm writing this just to get you out of my heart. It still bleeds from the unwarranted sever. You are an artery of mines that was taken away, and my foolish behaviors has caused an unfitting...

I often think about us being together, and then i sometimes am saddened at the fact that I am not the same person you loved back then. I watch you with ringing ears live and love and laugh without me and selfishly I whisper of how I want my best friend back.

We spend our entire life searching for a love that will last forever, a soul mate, the one... The love of my life didn't last for a lifetime, but the impact your love made in my life will warm me slowly and forever.

Love always
want always
live always

Joe Hodge

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